Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Detrimental Effects of SUGAR!

Studies show that here in the United States we consume somewhere between 140 to 170 lbs. of sugar per person each year. We know that sounds outlandish but according to estimates done by the Department of Agriculture it’s true. It’s not only that extra teaspoon of sugar in our coffee, but the amount of sweets, candy, cake, cookies, juices, soft drinks and all the added sugars in processed foods.We could list over a hundred health problems from consuming sugar, but we won’t bore you. (Read… Lick the Sugar Habit … by Dr. Nancy Appleton, for this list) We’ll just hit a few of the high points.

The Immune System:

First and foremost, the consumption of refined sugar suppresses our immune system. Just one serving of sugar from a soft drink, candy bar, cake, cookie, ice cream, etc. can suppress our immune system for several hours. This leaves us vulnerable to many unwanted invaders, like viruses, bacteria, and yeast/fungi. The yeast issue alone is a problem because once yeast has the upper hand, sugar becomes its fuel and yeast proliferates.

So, you see, when eating sugar day after day, week after week, year after year. The immune system is...that’s right…IN TROUBLE!

Refined sugar is also lacking the minerals needed for assimilation in our bodies. So eating sugar will cause the body to deplete its own store of minerals in order to process it. This will lead to other deficiencies and may cause chronic illness.

To learn more about the negative effects of sugar click here!

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