Saturday, January 15, 2005

Do We Really Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements!

Do we really need Vitamin and Mineral supplementation?

We believe the answer is a resounding…YES!

A study from the American Medical Association shows that vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the American population could be a factor in many chronic diseases. Even our government has stated, that due to soil depletion, our fruits and vegetables are lacking in sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, all adults should take a vitamin and mineral supplement.

Many doctors and nutritional health experts have made the statement that all vitamins are not created equal. There are many inexpensive vitamins on the market that are taken in one small tablet, just once a day. If you study these, you will see that the nutrient count is very small, and they are generally created using synthetic material, binders and fillers. Our bodies were not designed to break down these materials. It’s pretty typical to find that you get what you pay for. Millions of dollars are spent almost daily on nutritional supplements here in the U.S. Therefore, if you’re going to take the time and spend good money, it’s best to try and purchase high quality products.

We have taken the time to educate ourselves about the quality and health enhancing effects of supplementation and know how life changing it can be.

Please, don’t misunderstand. It is still very important to eat an array of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. Whole foods should be our main source of nourishment and supplements are meant to compliment them and take up the slack. This is important, because natural foods contain many different nutrients and enzymes that haven’t even been discovered or recognized yet, and may very well assist in the synergistic effect and absorption rate.

Our bodies produce thousands of free radicals every day. In addition to this onslaught, we live in a toxic environment, endure high stress, and make bad food choices. All of these take a toll on our bodies ability to thrive. Supplementation simply gives us additional nutrients to remain healthy and assists our immune system in reversing the damaging affects of modern life.

Processed and fast food products:

Processed food products are beautifully boxed, canned, and packaged to entice us the consumer. They are at our fingertips in grocery stores, quickie marts, gas stations…WELL …just about everywhere. These fake foods are widely promoted to appeal to your senses. And the large add campaigns make them appear to look good, smell good, taste good. We're led to believe they are safe for human consumption and we all eat them almost every day (well, almost all of us). Ever heard of the term overfed and undernourished?

Research has proven that through the manufacturing process many vital nutrients are lost. With the addition of added ingredients to make them more palatable and have longer shelf life (Hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, monosodium glutamate/msg, sodium nitrate, aspartame, etc.), processed food can become problematic to our health.

Fast foods

Fast food restaurants are everywhere. Most of us eat these foods and this is okay on occasion, but many people eat the majority of their meals from fast food restaurants. Do this long enough and you’re headed for ill health. Some fast food chains are adding healthier items to their menus and this will continue as we the consumers keep demanding more healthy foods.

As we stated above, eating processed and fast food can be okay on occasion. But do to the lack of quality nutrients it doesn’t take long before signs of nutritional deficiencies begin to show via declining health. Eating as close to what God has provided for us is imperative. Eating good clean select meats (without hormones and antibiotics), plenty of colorful fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds will put you on the right tract for good health. Adding good quality nutritional supplements to take up the slack will certainly be additionally beneficial.

Always consult your doctor before taking supplements.

We really don’t have to spend our lives overfed and undernourished.

For the comprehensive answer to your vitamin/mineral needs you need to look no further than Vibe by Eniva. It is what we use and recommend to all our family and friends.

For more info on Vibe you can click here!

To listen to testimonials click here!

Note: Eniva members get an immediate 20% off the retail price of all items purchased, and there is No sign up fee or minimum order!

To order by phone call 1-866-999-9191. Just tell the representative who answers the phone that you are a new Preferred customer ordering under ID #226552.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Lisa's Cancer Story!

In 2003, my sister was diagnosed with endometrium cancer. Her doctors told her that this cancer would possibly kill her!

Thankfully, several months prior to the diagnoses, we had suggested that she begin to watch "Your Health" on Family Net. Because of this she had changed her eating habits, was drinking plenty of clean water, and had taken sugar out of her diet.

She had the surgery to remove a large tumor (which was in her uterus and had attached itself to her tail bone) and a cluster of tumors on one of her ovaries. The removal of a lymph node showed possible cancer in other parts of her body. Her doctors stressed to her the need for chemo and radiation. Telling her again "This cancer will kill you!"

After the surgery it was time for the family to get involved. Of course we kept watching "Your Health" as we had done for the last several year and relaying as much information as possible.

As mentioned earlier, Doug Kaufmann was the host at that time. But he often included regulars Dr. Dave Holland and Jami Clark R. N. (Certified in Chemotherapy). Dr. Patrick Quillan (former nutritional director of Cancer Centers of America) was also occasionally on the show.

When Doug Kaufmann was the host of "Your Health" the theme of the show was the relationship of Fungus/Yeast to modern illness…even cancer.

We bought Doug’s book "The Germ That Causes Cancer", and Dr. Quillan’s book "Beating Cancer with Nutrition" along with "Foundations for Healing" by Dr. Richard Becker who at that time was also a frequent guest of the show.

Feeling armed with enough information she decided to take the 28 radiation treatments but at her doctor’s reluctance refused the Chemo. She even had to change doctors because he told her she could not take vitamins, herbs or supplements during radiation. He scoffed at changing her diet and taking out sugar, saying that their was no scientific evidence that sugar fed cancer and shaking his head as if it was crazy to suggest such a thing.

She continued her diet, staying on it better than anyone. Very Strict. She ate absolutely no sugar, processed foods or trans fats, etc. She’s takes Vibe, (a liquid vitamin/mineral formula) Beta Glucan, IP6, Wheat Grass Supplement, Probiotics, Psyllium Fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids, Olive Leaf Extract, alternating with Capryllic Acid, and continues drinking filtered water. She’s exercising (walking daily) and has lost 60 pounds (that she wanted to lose) and feeling better than she did 20 years ago.

During the radiation treatments the nurses couldn’t believe she wasn’t having any side effects and was looking so healthy. But we know that it is her love of God and prayer (which is a big part of her life) and the proper nutrition and supplements, which kept the radiation from ravaging her body.

After the radiation treatments, her new doctor still pressed her to take the Chemo. After discussing the diet and nutritional supplements she was taking and again her desire not to do the chemo, he suggested she have a Pet-Cat scan to check for signs of cancer.

The Pet-Cat scan showed no Cancer…Halleluiah!

Today she is continues with a healthy diet and no sugar. This is a way of living now, one that brought her back from the brink. She is sure of that!

For those of you still unsure whether you believe that sugar feeds cancer, a Pet Cat Scan is radioactive glucose (sugar) injected into the body. Humm…Interesting!

Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for proving that SUGAR FEEDS CANCER over 75 years ago, although you'd be hard pressed to find a doctor who is aware of this information. It's time for people to wake up and realize that they must take their health into their own hands. Health care in the USA is a business designed to keep folks in a revolving door and is NOT about health at all.
Update: 7-08 It's been 5 years since her cancer surgery. Lisa just had another visit to her doctor and another pet scan. Her results were amazing! Still no sign of cancer and she is looking and feeling better than ever.

At her appointment the doctor confided again that her cancer was as bad as it gets and told her she really should have died. She shared again all that she had been doing and he told her to keep it up.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Manufacturing Sickness Through The Food Supply

Have you ever considered just how much our diets have changes over the last 50 to 100 years, or how much our health is connected to the types of food we consume. With the majority of us eating on the run and looking for a quick way to produce a meal for our families, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at the modern diet. Without doing a lot of research to substantiate the exact date of introduction into the food supply, lets take a look at the approximate time frame of some of our most common food items.

If my memory serves me right, most neighborhoods started seeing an influx of McDonalds and other fast food restaurants somewhere around the mid nineteen seventies. Sure there were some McDonalds and other fast food joints before this time, but we’re talking about when this industry started to become mainstream. Early to mid seventies just about hits it right!

Soda drinking falls along the same lines as the fast food industry. There is no doubt that sodas were created much earlier, but when did it become commonplace to consume this sugary beverage on a daily basis? It was around 1965 that soda’s “previously thought of as occasional treats” were dispensed in cans from vending machines. Today, sodas account for at least a third of the liquid consumed in the US. On average a 12 oz can of soda, is equivalent to 10 teaspoons of sugar. When you consider that many people drink them non-stop throughout the day, that’s a lot of sugar.

In the early 20th Century sugar consumption averaged about 5 pounds a year. Today according to the Department of Agriculture, that number is estimated at anywhere between 140 to 170 lbs a year. That’s alarming! Refined sugar contains no vitamins or minerals. It has zero nutritional value. Since the body is self regulating, it will call upon its own stores of micro-nutrients in order to assist the body in metabolizing sugar into the system. Sugar also suppresses the immune system, and contributes to just about every illness known to man.

Monosodium Glutamate has been used with increasing regularity since it’s introduction into the food supply some 50 years ago. You’d be hard pressed not to find this additive in most processed/boxed foods and many canned products as well. Fast food restaurants have also notoriously been a source of this chemical additive. MSG's only value to the food industry is that it makes food taste appealing, causing folks to eat more. Evidence has shown that animals fed MSG become obese and prone to type 2 diabetes.

The artificial sweetener Aspartame entered into the food supply in the early 1980’s. Its use in diet soda’s and other diet products accounts for 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Products that contain aspartame can include anything from instant breakfasts drinks and other beverages, cereals, desserts, candies, supplements, pharmaceutical drugs, sugar free products and much more.

Both MSG and Aspartame are excitotoxins. They over stimulates neuron receptors in the brain that allow brain cells to communicate with one another. This over stimulation causes them to die, and can result in brain damage. Science has shown that exposing the brain to these substances can produce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Use of these products have also been linked to cancer.

Antibiotics came into wide spread use in the 1950’s. In the 1960’s they were introduced in livestock production. Today 3 million lbs of antibiotics are utilized for humans per year, while approximately 25 million lbs are used on livestock There is evidence that this over consumption of antibiotics in animals (as well as humans) is contributing to bacterial resistance. Taking antibiotics also decreases your “good bacterial army” which accounts for 75% of your immune system. This assault can leave you open to additional infections and yeast overgrowth which can result in ever declining health. Yeast overgrowth is often called the great mimicker because it can imitate many diseases.

But lets say you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and only the best of meat, poultry and fish. Evidence has shown the our soils are depleted in trace minerals.
This mineral depletion existed in the early part of the last century, as evidenced by the US Senate Document 264, 74th Congress in 1936 Second Session.

Here is a partial quote from that document:

“It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives.”

A recent article on ABC News by Megan Carpenter validated this continuing trend when the article revealed that “recently grown crops have shown decreases of up to 38 percent in protein, calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron and riboflavin when compared with produce from past decades.”

When you consider other food additives, radiation, pesticides, nitrates, trans fat and hydrogenated fats along with the changes in agriculture, food processing and lifestyle there is no wonder why people are dealing with the explosion of health conditions that we are today. Are we manufacturing sickness! You bet we are!

US Senate Document 264 from the 74th Congress in 1936 Second Session

Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins, or upon precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.

Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance?

The alarming fact is that foods, fruits and vegetables and grains, now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us-no matter how much of them we eat! No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them.

The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food...Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume.

This talk about minerals is novel and quite startling. In fact, a realization of the importance of minerals in food is so new that the text books on nutritional dietetics contain very little about it. Nevertheless, it is something that concerns all of us, and the further we delve into it the more startling it becomes.

You'd think, wouldn't you, that a carrot is a carrot-that one is about as good as another as far as nourishment is concerned? But it isn't; one carrot may look and taste like another and yet be lacking in the particular mineral element which our system requires and which carrots are supposed to contain.

Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago (which doubtless explains why our forefathers thrived on a selection of foods that would starve us!)

No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his stomach with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health, because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them! And we are running too big stomachs.

No longer does a balanced and fully nourishing diet consist merely of so many calories or certain vitamins or a fixed proportion of starches, proteins and carbohydrates. We know that our diet must contain in addition something like a score of mineral salts.

It is bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Any upset of the balance, any considerable lack of one or another element, however microscopic the body requirement may be, and we sicken, suffer, shorten our lives.

We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is of importance for the normal function of some special structure in the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of mineral's they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.

Certainly our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume." This discovery is one of the latest and most important contributions of science to the problems of human health.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Improve Your Eating Habits

1. Water. If you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated. The majority of us don’t tend to drink enough during the day. If you drink a lot of tea and coffee to keep you going then these have a diuretic effect so you should be drinking water to compensate.

Have a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night – your body loses a lot of water while you’re asleep – not only if it’s warm and you sweat a lot but just going 8 hours (if you’re so lucky) without food or drink it’s going to be dehydrated.

Dehydration can also be mistaken for hunger – have a glass of water first before reaching for a snack or eating a meal.

2. Fruit & Veg. Fruit and vegetables provide you with vitamins, minerals and fibre to help keep your body healthy. Eat a piece of fruit or drink fresh juice for breakfast. Fresh berries on muesli or porridge or cereal. Have fruit as a snack during the day and salad and vegetables with your main meals.

If you can, buy organic and wash fruit and vegetables before eating unless your peeling them. Pesticide residues are more likely to remain on the skin and fruits such as apples are often treated in storage.

3. Avoid processed food. With the increased reliance on ready-prepared meals, take-aways and convenience food to save time there is an increase in the amount of processed food that people eat.

Before you buy that convenience meal – check the label. How much sugar, salt, hydrogenated fat, E preservatives, colouring does it contain? Because it’s processed – a lot of the flavour and goodness is lost and has to be added. Because it needs to survive transport, increased shelf-life and cooking fats and preservatives are added. And how much does it really cost. Cooking simple meals such as stir-fries and casseroles are just as convenient and so much better for you.

4. Fresh Juice. One great way to kick-start your day and gently wake up your digestive system is to have a fresh juice every morning. I don’t mean orange juice with your breakfast but fresh vegetable juices. Invest in a good juicer, buy local organic produce and find out how good fresh juice is.

An easy recipe you can have every day is one apple, one carrot (peeled), stick of celery, cube of ginger and thick slice of lemon (remove rind).

5. Fish. Eat fish at least once a week. It contains healthy Omega 3 oils, which are good for your joints, and nerves. Flax and hemp oils offer an alternative for non-fish eaters.

6. Eat regularly. Get into the habit of eating breakfast. Your body has been without food over night – break the fast with a glass of fresh juice (see above) and then a healthy bowl of cereal, muesli or porridge (avoid those loaded with salt and sugar). Try to eat every 2-3 hours – little and often – to avoid your blood sugar levels fluctuating too much. Don’t eat a heavy meal late in the evening. Your body will naturally be slowing down at that time and food eaten late is more likely to be stored as fat.

7. Alcohol. There’s nothing wrong with the odd glass of wine, in fact these days it’s seen to be healthy for the anti-oxidants it contains. Excess alcohol causes your kidneys and liver to work overtime to rid the body of the toxins. Know your limits and drink water to help your body eliminate the toxins.

8. Sugar and Salt. These two ingredients are added to most processed food. They add flavour and act as a preservative but they can be present even in foods you don't expect or are labeled in ways that you don't recognise. Sugar is empty calories, in it's basic form it contains little nutritional value. Natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables are all you need. Avoid adding sugar to food and drinks and avoid synthetic replacements. Watch your salt limits too.

9. Know what you’re eating. Be aware of the food that you’re putting in your body. Read the food labels if you buy tinned, processed produce to be aware of how much salt, sugar and fat is in the food you buy. Buy organic meat whenever possible to avoid the steroids, hormones and anti-biotics that are in factory farmed meat. Know how much sugar, salt and fat you should be eating.

10. Balanced diet. One of the most important ways to improve your eating habits is to have a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole food, fish and meat, nuts and seeds. Everything in moderation. Keep fatty and sugary foods low but if you enjoy chocolate, cakes and curries there’s nothing wrong with having one once in a while.

If you’d like help in putting some structure in place to organise your health – contact me through my website. Clare Evans – Do more of what you want, less of what you don’t.

Clare is a Personal and Business Coach who works with individuals and small business owners to help them organise their time more effectively and create a better work life balance - enabling them to spend more time doing what they want and less time doing what they don't. Contact me today to find out how to create balance in your life.
Subscribe to my Free Monthly Newsletter with tips on managing your time more effectively, creating balance, reading and fun.

Article Source:

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Aspartame: A Toxic Choice!

Aspartame: What you need to know!

There has been a great deal of controversy circulating on the internet as of late, regarding aspartame. Even with this the news and media seem for the most part to keep the damaging effects of this artificial sweetener under wraps.

However the information that we’ve seen points to a very toxic and possibly lethal substance which for many reasons has managed to get the approval of the FDA.

There seems to be a conspiracy of sorts to keep us from being informed about the dangers of this poison. But after more than 20 years of aspartame use, the public is beginning to discover for themselves that aspartame is at the root of many of their health problems.

Sold commercially as Equal or Nutra Sweet, and owned by Monsanto, this artificial sweetener was hailed as a solution for those trying to lose weight and refrain from sugar.

But the negative effects that people have reported vary. Symptoms such as memory loss, slurred speech, hyperactivity, rashes, anxiety and seizures along with fibromyalgia, MS, just to name a few adverse reactions reported to the FDA. Seizures are common among aspartame users but it is headaches that are the most common complaint.

Although pregnant women and children under 7 are cautioned not to us this sweetener, it is becoming clear that the general public should be warned against its use, since it appears this product will not be removed anytime soon.

According to FDA spokesman Thomas Wilcox, “…the reports to the FDA aren’t sufficient to warrant a change in the product’s classification ” Even though 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA are from Aspartame.

Aspartame is owned by the Monsanto Corporation which funds among others, the American Diabetes Association, The American Dietetic Association, and the conference of the American College of Physicians.

Since these associations take money from the Monsanto Co. they must endorse their products and therefore can not criticize this additive or convey any link to the Company.

According to an article on
There are over 90 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption including: brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilispsy/seizures, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia.

Further, when aspartame is stored for long periods of time or kept in warm areas it changes to methanol, an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, which are known carcinogens.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Arthritis: Secret Foods Not To Eat

This article was written by a friend of ours who cured her arthritis and wrote a book about it. If you would like to get her book or reports please contact Darlene or Doug directly at 502-363-0101
This is going to open a new world to you. You will be making some food changes and it will change your pain level. When you follow the program as I did you should get pain relief within weeks, or less.

Here is a short version of what you should and should not eat. Since everyone is different you may want to refer to my book to see exactly what it is you are eating that is causing you so much pain.

For most arthritics the things I am asking you to give up, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD are:

Salt: Just no salt.

Coffee: More than one cup is not good for you. Decaf is much, much worse and you should NOT drink anything that says decaf on it. More than 4 cups a day of coffee and the rate for heart attacks in men increases to 50%. I don't know for women but I suspect it is close to that.

Soda/Pop: No sodas, anything that says diet, sugar free, or decaffeinated or Lite.

Flour: You should not eat flour of any kind. Please give it up for at least 3 weeks and see how you feel. If you then want to add it back into your diet use the method described in the book. Please stop eating all white flour. It s KILLING YOU.
For the free report "Why while flour is an abomination and is killing you".

No Sugar Of Any Kind: You can have a wee amount of real honey that is unprocessed and raw. If it is not unprocessed, do not buy it. The best source is the health food store or local beekeeper. Look for him in the yellow pages. If you absolutely have to have a sweetener use Steva. ALL others are VERY BAD for you. Some have been known to cause cancer.

No Dairy Products: Cheese, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, etc. You CAN have Real Butter and Real Cream. They will should not hurt you.


Tea: You can have herbal teas, and green teas.

Meats: At least 70 grams of meat protein a day. Chicken, fish, pork, turkey, seafood, tuna, salmon etc.

Eggs: They really are a perfect food. After all they have all it takes to make a chicken!

Vegetables: You will test vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes (most people with arthritis can not tolerate those two vegetables) Green and orange vegetables are marvelous. Try to introduce a new one from the market every time you go. Try vegetables from other countries. Onions and garlic and all seasonings are fine. Just no salt. You can get salt-free seasonings at a health food market.

Fruits: They are touchy. I ask you to do the fruit fast, but if the first day you find the pains are greater than you simple cannot tolerate fruits that are mostly sugar. Here are good fruits. Grapefruit, kiwis, berries, but not strawberries. You can have them fresh or frozen or canned. Just read the label and make sure no sugar is added.

Do not eat: Bananas, peaches, oranges, pineapple, pears, and melons of any kind,or any fruit that is sweet. At least not until your pain is better or gone and then follow my book on introducing new foods.

Drink: 8 glasses of water with the lemon to taste. Keep reminding yourself, "You have a degenerative disease and since degenerative diseases are caused by our eating habits, our way of life and the air we breathe, we can make changes to restore our immune system." Our immune system will heal us when we feed it properly. Your health, good or bad, is in your hands.

I am here to help YOU to help yourself to a pain free and healthy life style.

Best of Health,

Thursday, January 06, 2005

10 Easy Steps to True Healthy Living!

We realize just how difficult it is to maintain a good level of health in our society today. We are bombarded with stress (due to the daily responsibilities of life) and toxins (both in our food and our environment) that put a burden on our bodies and our spirits.

It’s difficult to find time to eat responsibly, exercise, rest and recharge in order to nourish our bodies, our spirit, and our soul. But these things must be changed if we want to experience good health. Therefore, we decided to develop the steps that we believe are beneficial to True Healthy Living! Share them with your family and friends! We Do!!

Step 1. Changing our belief system:

We have been trained from birth to believe authority figures. First our parents, then teachers, police and government officials etc. Because our parents took care of us, loved us, and had our best interest at heart, we developed a belief system that those in authority also have our best interest at heart. It becomes second nature to believe that if "THEY" said it, it must be true.

But IS IT!

We tend to believe what is advertised to us through the media. If it’s on television, in the newspaper or magazine, or it says so on the box or bottle it comes in, we tend to believe, sometimes subconsciously, that it’s good for us. So the question is, has this belief in authority widened to include commercials for food, drink and pharmaceutical drug ads?

Is the answer…YES!

Doctor prescribed drugs advertised on TV! How could anyone let this happen? To allow comsumers to pick and choose what drugs to take, is the height of irresponsible governmental behavior. You must see how absurd this is. Anyone who can’t see the influence of power and money must have on blinders.

Maybe it’s time to take back our power, and become more educated and informed, so that we can change what we believe.

Step 2. Eating responsibly:

Eating responsibly is extremely difficult in our fast paced society. Most of us have become accustomed to eating what ever is convenient and suites our taste, not worrying about whether it good or bad for our health.

Relying on processed or fast food for our daily diet has been proven to lead to many chronic diseases. Most of these foods are lacking in vital nutrients and contain an over abundance of sugars, artificial sweeteners and man made chemical additives that in the long run are detrimental to our health.

There are numerous studies and research that reflects that most disease is caused by what we do and do not eat.

Becoming knowledgeable about processed and fast food and their ill effects is an absolute must if you want to keep you and your family healthy. The condition of health in our American society has become a disgrace. Truth and knowledge is empowering.

For more click the next list of articles.

Meat …clean (chicken, turkey, fish, beef)
1) Try to limit red meat. 2) Eat grass fed or organically raised/no antibiotics or hormones if possible. 3) Stay away from processed lunchmeat w/added preservatives. 4) No breading. Grilled or baked is healthier for you.

We know this is not always possible. In fact, finding wholesome, grass fed products may be difficult. However, you might try your nearest health food store. We have Wild Oats Natural Market Place and Whole Foods Market nearby and they do sell a healthier product. Or you may want to check out for an organic farm near you.

Vegetables…a colorful array of raw or steamed is best. (read our article, What's this about Antioxidants) very important.
Fruit …a wide variety daily (loaded with vitamins and minerals)
Nuts…like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, etc. (loaded with protein, essential fats, and fiber and other nutrients)
Whole grain breads & cereals…must be whole grain not just wheat bread (It’s best to stay away from white bread and white flour products)

Step 3. Drink more water:

This is one of the simpliest things we can do to improve our health. Our body needs water for every bodily function. Without it we would die. Many times when we feel bad or hungry, it’s our body’s cry for water.

It is recommended that we drink at least 8 to 10, 8oz. cups each day. Drinking tap water is not recommended since chlorine and other chemicals are not good for our systems over the long haul.

You can drink spring or filtered water. You don’t have to buy an expensive filtration system. The Brita or Pur pitchers, or the type that attach to your faucet are just fine. (Read our article, The Numerous Benefits of Water)

Step 4. Responsible vitamin and mineral supplementation:

Even though it’s a must to eat plenty of nutritional whole foods (not processed junk food), it is recommended that we take good quality supplements to assist our diets with optimal nutrients.

This is a recommended step that has assisted many of our friends and relatives lead healthier lives and has helped some, come back from the brink of disaster (read our article, Do We Really Need Vitamins and Minerals. We must all educate ourselves in order to responsibly take supplements. Don’t settle for less than the best. For the comprehensive answer to your vitamin/mineral needs you need to look no further than Vibe by Eniva.

For more info on Vibe you can click here!

Want even more info or to hear testimonials click here!

A specific need click here for Eniva's other products!

Note: Eniva members get an immediate 20% off the retail price of all items purchased, and there is No sign up fee or minimum order!

To order by phone call 1-866-999-9191. Just tell the representative who answers the phone that you are a new Preferred customer ordering under ID #226552.

Here is our daily regimen:

  • Vibe by Eniva. A great tasting whole food vitamin/mineral tonic.
  • Omega 3- fatty acid (fish oil or salmon oil, cod liver oil in the winter months)
  • Whey protein supplement (with low sugar content and no artificial sweeteners). A good way to get extra protein, especially while on an exercise program.
  • Probiotics, to replenish the good bacteria in our intestinal tract. They support our immune system. (Read our article, Probiotics…The key to good health)
    Very, important!

Always discuss taking supplements with your Doctor.

Step 5. Exercise.

Some health experts refer to exercise as the good drug. That’s right, it has so many health enhancing qualities, that we believe it should be covered by insurance. Healthcare cost would be substantially reduced and lives would be improved, if everyone exercised. It is a requirement for good health. (Read our article, The Importance Of Exercise)

Of course, always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Step 6. Education and Prevention:

We must find the time to educate ourselves about health, because our doctor is not responsible for our well being. We are!! Not taking responsibility leaves us open to illness and the possibility of countless prescription drugs. These only mask the symptoms of disease. We must change! We owe it to ourselves and our families.

Step 7. Spirituality:

We believe, that we must find our spiritual balance in whatever way is right for each of us. This nourishing of our spirit and soul can sustain us in times of trouble, on our journey through life. The use of prayer, meditation, silence or whatever is suitable for you is an important practice in health and well being. It gives us a sense of balance of mind, body and spirit.

Step 8. Sleep:

Our bodies require quality sleep in order to recuperate, rebound, and recharge. Most of us require approximately 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep a night in order to stay healthy. And the hours between 10 and 2 are very important. It is during these hours that our bodies recharge the adrenals and endocrine glands, repair tissue and detoxify the body and various other duties. Not getting enough sleep can put us at risk for serious illness. So rest, relax and sleep as needed. It really will pay off in the long run with more energy and good health.

Step 9. Sunshine:

We thrive when we are exposed to sunshine. Getting 15 to 20 minutes of responsible sun exposure each day is good for you. It's in fact, health promoting. The sun promotes vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) production in the body and has a broad therapeutic benefit for the body in general (read our article, Sunlight! ...Our Battery Charger For Life!)

Step 10. Fresh air and deep breathing:

Fresh air is something that most of us don’t get enough of on a daily basis. We are cooped up at work, school or home etc. taking care of our responsibilities, and breathing stale air most of the time. Even though we may not consider the environment as optimal these days. We still need to get outdoors as much as possible.

Learn to breath deep. Many of us breath shallow all of the time. The trillions of cells in our bodies need oxygen. Breath deeply and fill those lungs with life enhancing oxygen to assist your body in creating an aerobic environment that breeds good health. It will also assist your metabolism in becoming more efficient at burning calories and it helps to obtain a long term natural weight loss.

This information is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is for informational purposes only. Always consult your Doctor.

We sure hope you can utilize these 10 steps to True Healthy Living! Incorporate them into your lifestyle. I’m sure they can assist you and your loved ones live a life of good health.

Please feel free to send us your comments or questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Email:

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Secrets to a restful nights sleep

Just how many of us are getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep? If you fall asleep, can you stay asleep throughout the night? With the amount of prescription sleep aids sold in this country it appears that many of us are having difficulty meeting our sleep requirements.

Getting approximately 8 hours of sleep is crucial for a healthy immune system and a must to regulate our hormones. Poor sleep habits increase accidents, affect memory, eating habits and the ability to deal with stress. Lack of sleep also contributes to symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and accelerates aging.

Are you one of the 82 million who experience these common symptoms:

  • Wake up feeling un-refreshed
  • Have difficulty falling asleep
  • Wake up early and are not able to get back to sleep
  • Waking frequently during the night

Is taking a sleep medication like Ambien and Lunesta the answer? Recently there have been multiple reports of bizarre behavior with no conscious recollection of their actions, by folks taking these prescription sleep aids. Some report that they have felt drugged the next day and attribute their corresponding car accidents to the taking of these types of medications. These hazardous behaviors may indicate that the long term effects of taking these types of drugs may be worse than the original problem.

So what can you do to gain a good nights sleep:
Develop a sleep routine. Going to bed early and at the same time every night helps to assist your body in gaining a handle on restful sleep. You get twice the benefit from the sleep you acquire between the hours of 10 pm to midnight than those gained after 12 am.
Daily exercise reduces stress and assists in getting a good nights sleep. Studies have shown that 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise has a profound influence on the ablity to obtain satisfying sleep. Be sure to exercise 5 to 6 hours before bedtime to allow the body time to cool down.

Removing yourself from stimulating activities such as watching television and working at the computer is a must to allow the body and brain to relax. Adding lavender oil on your pillow at night creates a wonderful yet calming aroma. Drinking Chamomile tea also helps with relaxation and promotes restful sleep. Listening to soothing music, reading (non-invigorating material), journaling, stretching, deep breathing, sleeping in a completely dark room, taking a warm bath, burning your favorite incense, avoiding stimulates and not eating late at night, are some additional tips to assist you in regaining deep, restful sleep.

Natural sleep formulas that include valerian, hops, kava kava, lemon balm, scullcap, wild lettuce and passion flower are just some of the most popular natural sleep remedies that have been used for many years. Magnesium and calcium are also beneficial to those looking for a solution to their sleep issues.

When all else fails you may want to try massage, acupuncture, cranial sacral manipulation or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

I would like to make clear, that there is a direct relationship between

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Why are more people overweight these days!

Have you noticed that more and more people are gaining weight easily these days?

What’s up with that!

We DO NOT believe that people are just gluttons. There has to be more to it. We’ve read that as many as 60 to 70% of the population is over weight, 35% are obese. The population in general is probably more sedentary than in the past, even though every time you turn on the TV there is an advertisement for an exercise video. And with all of the TV stations at our disposal, I’m sure people are exercising less and watching television more often.

Yep that’s part of it!

Then of course there’s fast food! Lets examine this more closely.

American corporations are notorious for pulling out 99% of the nutrients in food. Could it be that we’re just hungry! Could it be that we are eating more and more to satisfy what the body needs, only to find that the nutrients are not there. Could this lack of nutrients cause us to unconsciously eat even more?

We’ve written about MSG before! It’s in a majority of fast foods and boxed foods. Eating foods containing MSG causes us to crave more of these same foods but leaves us feeling unnourished.

The high SALT content in these foods also causes food cravings. Refined salt (normal table salt) is striped of its valuable nutrients and is 95% Sodium Chloride. When we eat refined salt our bodies expect to receive the 21 essential minerals and other lesser elements found in SEA SALT. Since these elements are not present our bodies crave more food.

Even if we ate right from the garden, can we guarantee that the nutrients were in the soil to begin with? It takes 76 nutrients daily to maintain health. Are these nutrients in the soil? Can the body rely on phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium (most often used in fertilizers found on factory farms) for perfect health?

Oh…and what about the amount of sugar we consume. Refined carbohydrates can be found in processed foods that are high in sugar. Refined sugar and these high glycemic foods cause a surge in blood sugar, which is then stored in the muscle and if not used, turn to fat.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains do not cause a spike in blood sugar.

Often you hear people talking about cutting out carbs, assuming that a carb is a carb is a carb!But all carbohydrates are not the same. It’s the processed foods (refined carbohydrates) and simple sugars that are the problem. We need to be reducing our intake of white bread, fast foods, boxed foods, and pasta.

Changing our eating habits, to include smaller more frequent meals that include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish is a start. Adding exercise, clean water (at least 8 cups a day), and appropriate sleep (going to bed late has been connected to weight gain as those who go to bed late, eat later) is also important.

We must take back the control that we have given away. We can no longer believe that because a certain food is on the shelf at the store, or that a food additive is included in a box or can that it is ok to eat.

Although we have not known the devastating effects of these FAKE FOODS in the past, we now must become informed consumers. YOU HAVE NOW BEEN WARNED! No seriously. We are paying for it (in a BIG WAY… PUN INTENDED) when we eat these foods without consideration for what they do, within the body!