Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Probiotics...The Key to Good Health!

Did you know that the gastrointestinal track is the key to good health? Many don’t know this, including some doctors. It’s just been in recent decades that this information is making its way to the masses. Mostly due to the access of the Internet.

The digestive tract manages the bodies fuel and expels its waste in an effort to aid the body in staying healthy.

What most people don’t know is that there are 3 ½ pounds of microorganisms in their intestinal tract. Within these 3 ½ pounds are at least 400 different species of organisms.

Keeping a delicate balance of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract is key to health and longevity.

There are many factors in the world today that contribute to the loss of the beneficial bacteria. Stress, changes in diet, pollution, even the aging process can lead to the depletion of beneficial bacteria in the body. This depletion can lead to digestive upsets such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and indigestion, malabsorption of nutrients and the list goes on.

Probiotics (which means: for life) are beneficial organisms (the good guys) and help to protect you from the onslaught of disease causing microorganisms. They protect and defend the body against bad bacteria (pathogens) yeast/fungi and viruses.

Keeping a healthy ratio of good to bad organisms, keep these negative pathogens in check and the immune system strong.

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