Sunday, November 04, 2007

Medications cause nutrient depletion!

We all know that medicine has its place, but too often when we are sick we take medications without fully realizing the consequences of our actions. Prescription drugs frequently come with serious side effects. Some of these side effects are initially invisible, yet contribute to disease in a slow and insidious way.

Many prescribed drugs and over the counter medications can cause a depletion of vital nutrients or interfere with nutrient absorption. This can create additional health problems.

Informing yourself is the most important step you can take to maintain and regain your health. Acquiring information about diet, exercise, healthy supplementation (to give back what your body loses everyday ) and making additional lifestyle changes can help you reverse this trend.

Taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral formula can assist you in addressing the damage and help you reverse the nutrient depletion. You can add additional supplements when a specific health challenge is recognized. Soon you will be on your way to recovering your health!

For more on nutrient depletion caused by medications click here!

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