Sunday, December 19, 2004

What should we really invest in!

I was listening to the radio recently and two politicians were discussing how important it was for college students to study finance and learn how to save and invest. This, they said, would help make them successful.

This is great, but what about educating our students on how to really become successful in life. What about learning about how to eat properly and stay healthy. This addition to education could save us a ton of pain and suffering…and in the long run save money, both individually and as a nation.

Did you know that one of the major causes of bankruptcy is medical bills? And most of those who file bankruptcy due to a medical situation, have medical insurance. Is that not staggering?
We are encouraged to begin our adult life by getting a college education and/or a great job. Some of us start a wonderful family and buy a nice home. We may believe that the world is at our finger tips, and that we’re unstoppable. We’ve spent years building the life we always wanted then suddenly bad health creeps up on us.

Chronic illness is occurring earlier and earlier these days. And not just in our senior years any more. There are young people in their teens, twenties and thirties with Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, etc…need I go on? All these illnesses are not just floating around in the air waiting for some poor unsuspecting soul to jump into and ravage with sickness.

Friends, please wake up! It may be what’s in our food. That’s right! In those colorful boxes and cans on the grocery shelves. The food industry has made our food look appealing and last longer, but at what cost or should I say whose cost.

Take our meats for example.

There’s a chemical ingredient included in some of our meat products called sodium nitrate. It’s in lunch meat, like bologna, salami, ham, hot dogs, sausage, and bacon etc. It’s not recognized by our body as a food, but our system has to deal with it just the same. Therefore it’s a metabolic disruptor. Research has proven that when ingested it forms carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds called nitrosamines.
Ingesting these compounds over and over for years can become problematic and cause disease.

Let’s look at processed foods that line our grocery store shelves. They look great, smell great, and taste great. But, they’re devoid of various vital nutrients and enzymes, making many of them, incomplete foods. However, many people depend on them for the bulk of their diet.

Many of these foods contain trans fatty acids, hydrogenated oils, dyes, preservatives, msg, artificial sweeteners, sugar…need we go on? Eating this way long enough is a sure way to end up with chronic disease. We’ve made reference to the term before… overfed and undernourished…It really doesn’t need to be this way.

These food ingredients (approved for human consumption) can play havoc with our health. There are many doctors, researchers, nutritionist, and health professionals that have written books on this subject (check the internet, library, and bookstores).

So, no matter what education level you have, if you want to INVEST in your health and your families futures, be sure to educate yourselves about diet, health and exercise.

Of course it is beneficial to study finance, saving and investing. However, if you really want to invest in your future, and your family’s future, good health should be a top priority. Please don’t forget that you can have all the wealth, riches and power the world has to offer, but without your health, everything else will be short lived…if you get our drift.

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