Sunday, December 05, 2004

Cancer!...And The Connection To Antibiotics!

This is what we’ve learned and believe to be true about Cancer. Take it for what its worth. It does not have to be something that You believe. It is not set in stone. It just happens to be what WE believe to be true.

Cancer is a very serious illness and an informed approach should be taken with regards to regaining your health or the health of a loved one when attacking this dreaded disease or any serious illness.
It is added here…simply as food for thought.

We’ve mentioned before that we've been reading Doug Kaufmann's books and watching his health show for about 5 years now. We have two of his books, "The Fungus Link" and "The Germ that causes Cancer".

Doug Kaufmann primarily looks at the role that fungus/yeast plays in modern illness and how antibiotics contribute to disease.

Antibiotics are fungal by-products called mycotoxins...Which of course means they are made from fungus...The same way that Penicillin was made, when accidentally discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

But it wasn’t until the early 1950’s that antibiotics…namely Penicillin became widely used. However, one of the major side effects of antibiotics, is the breeding of resistant bacteria. Therefore, more effective antibiotics had to be produced.

Antibiotics are MYCOTOXINS….POISONS! Although they have had their place in the treatment of some diseases they also kill much of the GOOD BACTERIA that lives in and around the digestive tract. This GOOD BACTERIA makes up 75% of YOUR immune systems response. Think of it as your internal army fighting off invaders, fighting off Cancer. As this army is dwindled down, so is your immune systems response and the likelihood of disease proliferation.

Our bodies successfully fight off 6 bouts of Cancer in our lifetime. Our immune system does this. But with a compromised immune system…Compromised in part by the overuse of antibiotics…fighting off cancer is made more difficult.

Even if your exposure to antibiotics has been limited…You are still being exposed to antibiotics in livestock. DID YOU KNOW that antibiotics have been used extensively in agriculture since the 1960’s. And not to treat disease either…but as growth promoters. So how does eating beef, chicken and pork that has been given antibiotics effect YOU!

When your BACTERIAL ARMY is low, the bad guys (namely YEAST) start to multiply. This is especially true if you eat sugar. SUGAR fuels yeast and YEAST proliferate. Sugar is also an immune suppressor. Remember we did not always eat the amount of sugar we do today. It is estimated that the average person consumes 140 or more lbs of sugar a year.

Then take into consideration that in 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in science for discovering that cancer cells rapidly reproduce in the presence of fermented sugar.
Humm…as we’ve said before…so do fungal/yeast cells!

The human cell and that of the yeast cell are similar in that both have a nucleus. Yet the outer cell wall of the yeast cell is like that of a plant. As Doug Kaufmann explained in his book, The Germ That Causes Cancer, fungi and human cells unite to form a hybrid (combined) cell. Is this hybrid cell MUTATING into something we now call CANCER? Are Mycotoxins (fungal poisons) damaging DNA and leading to abnormal cell growth, resulting in cancer. Or is fungi in some cases being mistaken as cancer.

But it’s not only Doug Kaufmann who thinks along these lines.

Take into account that Elizabeth Moore-Landecker (author of Fundamentals of the Fungi) revealed in 1990 that "fungi and their mycotoxins are capable of causing genetic variations and mutations.”

We have read many accounts in Doug Kaufmann's books, where people diagnosed with Cancer took anti fungal drugs only to discover that they did not have cancer. So the question again is….Is YEAST/FUNGI and CANCER the same thing….OR are people being diagnosed as having CANCER when in fact they HAVE A YEAST/FUNGAL CONDITION?

Yeast proliferates! Cancer metastasis! Both moving from place to place via the bloodstream.

We have our beliefs on this subject…but now it’s up to you to consider this theory and come to your own conclusions.

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