Sunday, December 19, 2004
What should we really invest in!
This is great, but what about educating our students on how to really become successful in life. What about learning about how to eat properly and stay healthy. This addition to education could save us a ton of pain and suffering…and in the long run save money, both individually and as a nation.
Did you know that one of the major causes of bankruptcy is medical bills? And most of those who file bankruptcy due to a medical situation, have medical insurance. Is that not staggering?
We are encouraged to begin our adult life by getting a college education and/or a great job. Some of us start a wonderful family and buy a nice home. We may believe that the world is at our finger tips, and that we’re unstoppable. We’ve spent years building the life we always wanted then suddenly bad health creeps up on us.
Chronic illness is occurring earlier and earlier these days. And not just in our senior years any more. There are young people in their teens, twenties and thirties with Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, etc…need I go on? All these illnesses are not just floating around in the air waiting for some poor unsuspecting soul to jump into and ravage with sickness.
Friends, please wake up! It may be what’s in our food. That’s right! In those colorful boxes and cans on the grocery shelves. The food industry has made our food look appealing and last longer, but at what cost or should I say whose cost.
Take our meats for example.
There’s a chemical ingredient included in some of our meat products called sodium nitrate. It’s in lunch meat, like bologna, salami, ham, hot dogs, sausage, and bacon etc. It’s not recognized by our body as a food, but our system has to deal with it just the same. Therefore it’s a metabolic disruptor. Research has proven that when ingested it forms carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds called nitrosamines.
Ingesting these compounds over and over for years can become problematic and cause disease.
Let’s look at processed foods that line our grocery store shelves. They look great, smell great, and taste great. But, they’re devoid of various vital nutrients and enzymes, making many of them, incomplete foods. However, many people depend on them for the bulk of their diet.
Many of these foods contain trans fatty acids, hydrogenated oils, dyes, preservatives, msg, artificial sweeteners, sugar…need we go on? Eating this way long enough is a sure way to end up with chronic disease. We’ve made reference to the term before… overfed and undernourished…It really doesn’t need to be this way.
These food ingredients (approved for human consumption) can play havoc with our health. There are many doctors, researchers, nutritionist, and health professionals that have written books on this subject (check the internet, library, and bookstores).
So, no matter what education level you have, if you want to INVEST in your health and your families futures, be sure to educate yourselves about diet, health and exercise.
Of course it is beneficial to study finance, saving and investing. However, if you really want to invest in your future, and your family’s future, good health should be a top priority. Please don’t forget that you can have all the wealth, riches and power the world has to offer, but without your health, everything else will be short lived…if you get our drift.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Omega 3 Fatty Acids…Why are they so Important
Omega 3 fatty acids are also beneficial for brain health. The human brain is more than sixty percent structural fat. But, the type of fat needed for the brain to function properly is Omega 3 fatty acids. According to recent research, decreasing your intake of Omega 6 fats (primarily vegetable oils) along with increasing Omega 3 fatty acids, reduces the risk of depression, aggressive behavior, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia and lowers your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Other current studies with Omega 3 fats have shown benefits with regards to cancer, inflammatory diseases, diabetes and other health related conditions.
Of course we all know that there are good fats and bad fats. Any artificially produced fat, called transfats are not good for us and saturated fats should always be kept at a minimum.
But there is a type of fat called EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) that are not only good for you but essential for normal growth and development. Furthermore, your body can’t manufacture them, so you must get them from your diet. Essential Fatty Acids are polyunsaturated and are grouped into Omega 6 and Omega 3’s.
Although both types of Omegas are essential for health, experts agree that our diet ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is greatly unbalanced. While our ancestor’s diets consisted of a diet ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 of about 1:1, our modern dietary habits now reflect a ratio closer to 20:1 to 50:1.
According to Dr. Donald Rudin, author of Omega 3 Oils, fatty acids are the main structural components of every cell membrane in the body, and therefore influence every process in the cell. He concludes that a balanced intake of essential fatty acids is necessary for both healthy cell function and a sense of well-being.
The permeability of the cell depends on the essential fatty acids. This allows nutrients into the cell and toxins to escape. When we rely on other fats to do the job required of Omegas 3 fats the structure of the membrane of each cell becomes stiff and unable to remain healthy enough to do its job.
The primary sources of Omega 6 fats are canola, soy, corn, safflower and sunflower oil. These oils are overabundant in the typical diet, which explains our excess Omega 6 levels. Meanwhile Omega 3 fats are typically found in flaxseed oil, walnuts and fish.
The Omega 3 fatty acids found in cold-water fish, such as tuna, salmon, trout and mackerel consists of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Omega 3’s in the form of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) can be found in flaxseed and walnut oils, and seaweed. However, the body must convert ALA to DHA and EPA to derive the heart & brain healthy benefit. This conversion however, is often difficult for some people to make. Therefore getting your Omega 3 fat acids directly from cold water fish or fish oil supplements may be your best bet.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
MSG...Obesity, Food Addiction, and Bad Health!
There are many ingredients in today’s food that are unnatural, keep food fresh, make foods tasty and also cause disease. One such ingredient is MSG…Monosodium Glutamate.
Whether you consider yourself health-conscious or not, it would benefit you and your family to have information on this additive. Making healthy choices and taking appropriate action can save you or a loved one, a slow poisoning via our food supply.
Tests run on mice and rats that have been injected with MSG show that this ingredient tripled the amount of insulin in the pancreas, causing the rats to become obese. Could ingesting this ingredient act the same on humans? MSG has not only been linked to obesity but also to Diabetes, Migraines, Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Alzheimer’s.
What’s that old milk commercial slogan…it does a body good.
In this case…Not!
Go to your cupboard and check to see just how many of your favorite foods have MSG on the label. If not MSG then look for Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. You’ll be shocked…amazed…perplexed even! How could we have this ingredient in our food supply!!
Is MSG a preservative? NO! We can find no reference that this ingredient has any value, other than to make food appealing and ADDICTING to the consumer. It simply makes you eat more…and more…and more! How clever! We do have an obesity epidemic in this country and generally, we wonder why. Could it at least be partially attributed to this food additive? It’s definitely something to consider!
The amount of MSG in our food has increased over the 50 years since it’s introduction into the food supply. The FDA has set no limits to how much of it can be added to food. Is it harmful to humans? Well…think about it. What foreign substance isn’t! How much can our bodies handle anyway? Not just MSG…but the multitude of other substances, like nitrates, aspartame, hydrogenated fats and the list goes on.
But if you are still unsure, go to and search MSG. That way you can come to your own conclusions.
You know how the system works today…Money Talks! You won’t hear this type of information on TV for obvious reasons. But we must educate ourselves and empower our family and friends.
Spread the word: "It does a body Good!"
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
The Detrimental Effects of SUGAR!
We could list over a hundred health problems from consuming sugar, but we won’t bore you. (Read… Lick the Sugar Habit … by Dr. Nancy Appleton, for this list) We’ll just hit a few of the high points.
The Immune System:
First and foremost, the consumption of refined sugar suppresses our immune system. Just one serving of sugar from a soft drink, candy bar, cake, cookie, ice cream, etc. can suppress our immune system for several hours. This leaves us vulnerable to many unwanted invaders, like viruses, bacteria, and yeast/fungi. The yeast issue alone is a problem because once yeast has the upper hand, sugar becomes its fuel and yeast proliferates.
So, you see, when eating sugar day after day, week after week, year after year. The immune system is...that’s right…IN TROUBLE!
Refined sugar is also lacking the minerals needed for assimilation in our bodies. So eating sugar will cause the body to deplete its own store of minerals in order to process it. This will lead to other deficiencies and may cause chronic illness.
The Danger of Diabetes:
No one wants to develop Diabetes. But, overeating refined sugar and sugar products over and over, can lead to this disease. Type 2 Diabetes is at epidemic levels in our country.
Refined sugar has no nutritional value at all. It will supply us with quick energy, but nothing else. It lacks the proper fiber, minerals and enzymes that create a synergistic effect for normal absorption, assimilation and digestion. Therefore, instead of a normal slow release into the blood stream, it enters very quickly, raising blood sugar levels to an unnatural high. We then, feel a fast energy surge, but only for a short while.
Now, the pancreas is signaled to release insulin very quickly, in order to lower our blood sugar level.
Here’s the problem! The pancreas continues to release large amounts of insulin, causing the blood sugar level to drop below normal. Now, the adrenal gland is signaled to release adrenalin to raise blood sugar back to the normal level.
This process of raising our blood sugar level quickly and then dropping it, over and over again, can wear out our pancreas and adrenal glands…and THEN…Yep, you guessed it…Diabetes! Now we face a life of insulin shots or medication and a possibility of additional chronic illnesses, which are linked to this disease.
Our blood sugar is meant to be regulated and only raise and lower past normal levels on occasion. When we eat a good balance of natural foods the sugar is released into the blood stream slowly and levels are maintained in the normal range. Eliminating refined sugar, eating as close to nature as possible (unprocessed foods) and eating balanced (protein, carbohydrate, fat) may be the answer to avoiding this dreaded disease. There is a percentage of Diabetes that is genetic. But, just because some of our relatives have bad eating habits and life styles which have led to Diabetes, doesn’t mean that we have to travel the same road.
Cancer and Sugar:
In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in science for his discovery that cancer cells rapidly proliferate in the presence of fermented sugar…ie Sugar feeds Cancer.
Our immune system (without our knowledge) fights and wins at least 6 battles with cancer in our lifetime. We overcome the cancer and go on as normal. But now we know that sugar suppresses the immune system. We now know that many experts believe sugar feeds cancer.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there…IS… a relationship between sugar and cancer. Think this one over real good…it could be Life Saving!
Suggested reading:
Beating Cancer with Nutrition…by Dr. Patrick Quillian
The Germ That Causes Cancer…by Doug Kaufmann
Lick The Sugar Habit…by Dr. Nancy Appleton
Children and Sugar:
Sugar can have serious consequences for children’s health, and can lead to symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD, depression, asthma, infections, and immune suppression, which can lead to diseases more commonly visible in adults, like cancer and diabetes.
As mentioned earlier, when blood glucose levels fall, adrenaline is released. Blood glucose levels that fall below the normal range can result in a hypoglycemic type response that includes sweating, crying, shaking, altered behavior and altered thinking.
Does your child have difficulty concentrating, act out, or cry and whine more often than normal? Is your child hyper one minute only to crash and become lethargic later? Does he or she get recurrent ear infections and runny noses? Are you making more stops to the doctor’s office only to walk away with another prescription for an antibiotic? If you answered YES! Then your child may be eating too much sugar!!
Eating an excessive amount of refined sugar and simple carbohydrates can lead to many health problems. It can cause immune suppression, nutrient deficiencies, and can lead to depression, visual deterioration, migraines, food allergies, bowel problems, oxidative damage due to free radicals, obesity and the list goes on.
Please, friends take this sugar issue very seriously. When the body is in a balanced state (homeostasis) it is healing. Research has proven that refined sugar can throw our health out of balance and put us on a path toward degenerative disease. We believe (and some experts agree) that sugar can be as addictive as drugs.
Yes, we are all going to eat refined sugar products on occasion. But we owe it to our family and friends to educate ourselves about the effects it can have on our health. Only then can we make an informed decision!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
PAIN! Our Bodies Cry for HELP!
Pain is certainly not the cause of our problems but a symptom that the body is not functioning properly. While we do not consider ourselves experts, we would like to pass on what we have learned from health experts (like Doug Kaufmann, Dr. Jacob Tietelbaum, Dr. Joseph Mercola and others) about the causes and possible remedies for this debilitating symptom.
Infection in the body can and does affect pain. Due to the overuse of antibiotics both via doctor’s prescription and those given to livestock, our bodies can become depleted of good bacteria. This increases the risk of yeast overgrowth. Yeast in the body, coupled with the excessive consumption of sugar (estimated at 150 or more lbs per year) can and does cause inflammation in the body, and subsequently leads to pain.
Eliminating sugar and adding probiotics, while adopting an anti candida diet, and treating for yeast overgrowth with natural anti fungals (exp. garlic, capryllic acid, apple cider vinegar, and olive leaf extract) will assist you in getting yeast under control. For those with a more chronic yeast condition, prescription anti fungals like Nystatin plus Diflucan (which are gut and blood anti fungals respectively) may be considered.
Nutritional support is also very beneficial. Taking a whole food source vitamin/mineral formula that gives the body adequate magnesium, amino acids (proteins), antioxidants, zinc, selenium and B vitamins along with other nutrients, is critical for healing. Additionally, for those with arthritis, Glucosamine & Condrotin Sulfate and MSM may be an option. For nerve pain you might consider lipoic acid.
Getting to bed by 10 pm and sleeping a full 8 to 9 hours is optimal for health and healing. Why? Because our bodies heal while sleeping and have very precise duties during specific hours of the night. These responsibilities include such things as, recharging of the adrenals and endocrine glands, repair of tissue and detoxification. Sleep is of the utmost importance, as more serious illness can occur if the body is not given the chance to regulate, rest and heal.
If sleep is difficult, you might consider taking a herbal sleep formula with a combination of ingredients like Valerian Root, Skullcap, Hops and Passionflower, etc., or trying a magnesium/calcium supplement, melatonin, 5htp/or L tryptophan.
Hormonal deficiencies should also be investigated, as a healthy hypothalamic function is often not present in chronic pain.
We’ll end with some additional natural remedies that we have learned are beneficial in reducing pain. You may want to investigate a number of these natural remedies in limiting the pain response.
- Omega 3 fatty acids: Assists the body in an anti-inflammatory response.
- Noni Juice: Anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, natural cox 2 inhibitor.
- Niacinamide B3: Helps maintain and enhance healthy cartilage, joint flexibility and connective tissue.
- Bromelain: Provides an inflammatory response. This enzyme improves digestion and absorption of sulfates.
- Boswellia: Also known as Frankincense, this herb has important anti-inflammatory properties. Beneficial to both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
- Tart Cherries: Help’s relieve and prevent arthritis and gout.
- Feverfew: Anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, helps maintain flexibility.
- Willow bark: Original source of aspirin, effective in reducing pain, considered as effective as Vioxx for osteoarthritis.
We understand that there are no easy solutions in getting to the source of pain and relieving it. We are not doctors and do not want to appear that we have the solutions to this complicated issue. However, we did want to share with you, some of the things we have learned about pain, in hopes that some of these ideas, and suggestions may get you thinking in an alternative direction.
Taking a painkiller is certainly not going to resolved your pain issues. And the more toxic chemicals that we put into our bodies only exacerbate our health issues. Of course you should see your doctor. We just hope however, that something you’ve read here may give you additional information, that may assist you in getting to the cause of your pain. Investigating all of your options will certainly put you on the right road and assist you in you quest to become pain free.
Good luck again…on your quest for True Healthy Living Now!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Coconut Oil ... The Truly Good Fat!
Note: Trans-fats should be avoided at all costs, because they lead to heart disease, clogged arteries, and diabetes.
Coconut oil is a saturated fat! But hold on, IT’S HEART HEALTHY! The hype you’ve heard about saturated fat’s connection to modern illness and heart disease is not true!!! Saturated fats make up about 50% of cell membranes, therefore playing a vital role within the body. Look to the excessive use of polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils derived from soy, corn, safflower or canola) and trans fats when evaluating the increase in modern illness. More on bad fats and saturated vs. polyunsaturated fats in future articles.
Coconut oil is a saturated fat that is of the medium-chain fatty acid variety. Thus making it actually GOOD for YOU. Medium chained fatty acids are absorbed directly for quick energy, and contribute to the health of the immune system. They are not stored in the bodies cells, therefore, are not stored as fat. Coconut oil actually speeds up the body’s metabolism, making it an excellent partner in weight loss.
Studies have shown that Coconut oil is beneficial to HIV/AIDS patients, by lowering the viral load. Thyroid sufferers have also been shown to benefit due to the increase in metabolism and promotion of healthy thyroid function.
BUT WAIT… Even your skin can benefit from Coconut Oil. Use it like you would any lotion. This healthy oil prevents destructive free-radical damage, and aids in the repair of the skin. Coconut oil helps remove the outer layer of dead skin cells, making the skin smoother. It keeps connective tissues strong and supple, limiting the damage caused by the sun. You can use it to protect your skin from drying, chapping, and the prevention of wrinkles. WE DO! It’s one the healthiest things you can put on your skin.
Coconut oil is the ideal cooking oil too, because unlike other oils, it will not oxidize when heated. It’s been called a "functional food," because it’s one of the healthiest oils in the world.
Who wouldn’t want to cook with oil known to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases? A proven immune enhancer, that promotes weight loss, provides an immediate source of energy, assists in nutrient absorption, and fights bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens.
Coconut oil has a mild delicate flavor, that is satisfying to the taste buds. You can eat it by the spoonful, and when you do you will be getting the benefits internally as well as externally. But remember, for added benefits; use it as a moisturizer also.
We hope you’ll take a look at Coconut Oil and discover for yourself how truly beneficial it is!
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Benefits of Sunlight!
Make sure you understand the risks of skin cancer verses your sunlight needs. Of course we should not get burned or look directly into the sun, but a small amount of daily sunshine on our skin and in our eyes (indirectly) is essential for good health.
New research suggests that sunshine may reduce the risk of many forms of cancer such as prostrate, breast, colon and ovarian cancer. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is our main source of Vitamin D. The major biological function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. And as we know calcium is essential for good bone health.
Researchers have found that Vitamin D from sunlight also plays a role in increasing the amount of oxygen your blood can transport around the body, which in turn, will boost your energy levels, sharpen your mental faculties and give you an improved feeling of well-being.
Chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis have also been shown to improve during safe sunbathing.
The fear of skin cancer is one of the main reasons given for staying out of the sun. During our research we have found that the imbalance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids as well as the lack of essential nutrients such as anti oxidants from a balanced diet, may also play a role in the development of skin cancer.
The research is beginning to bear out the need for safe sun exposure. By limiting sun exposure, changing our diet ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 to a diet similar to that of our ancestors, (one more closely reflecting a diet ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids) and making other dietary improvements we may start to see a decrease in the incidence of skin cancer.
The best source of Vitamin D is of course UV-B from sunlight or from natural food sources like Cod Liver Oil. Those who can not for whatever reason obtain a healthy amount of sun exposure can satisfy the bodies vitamin D requirements by taking a daily dose equivalent to 1000 IU’s of vitamin D from Cod Liver Oil. Remember, Vitamin D in milk and in most vitamins is synthetic and is not nearly as good as getting this important nutrient from the sun.
Sunlight ... beneficial to True Healthy Living Now!
Stevia, The Perfect Sweetener, Whoops supplement
Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) and Splenda come with their own set of debilitating and damaging effects. These chemical substitutes are not the answer for good health or for caloric restriction. Aspartame for example has been linked to brain cancer, emotional disorders, seizures, and birth defects. More than 75% of all non-drug complaints to the FDA are about Aspartame. These side effects are but a small sampling of the 100’s of adverse reactions caused by Aspartame.
Animal research has linked Splenda (succulous) with enlarged liver and kidneys, shrunken thymus glands, reduced growth rate and aborted pregnancies. Available only since 1999, the reports of adverse effects on humans is beginning to evolve, but understand that people having adverse reactions may not make the connection.
Reducing or quitting sugar altogether is beneficial to good health. Yet, we all know how very hard this is to do. In our house, we have consciously reduced sugar to almost nothing. We do however, need a bit of sweetener on occasion, for example to sweeten lemon aid, ice tea, coffee, whole grain cereal, oatmeal etc. We therefore recommend choosing Stevia over sugar or artificial sweeteners.
What is Stevia?
Stevia is a non caloric sweetener, an herb, native to Paraguay. It has been used as a sweetener for centuries in Paraguay and decades in Japan without a single complaint regarding harmful effects. This small green plant bears leaves which have a delicious and refreshing taste that is 10-15 times sweeter than table sugar. Stevia extracts called steviosides, claim as much as 200-300 times the sweetness of table sugar.
Stevia is a natural dietary supplement which studies have shown offers a bounty of health benefits. Here are just some of the nutrients found in the Stevia leaf.
- Vitamin A & C
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Riboflavin
- Fiber
- Protein
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Calcium
Because the human body does not metabolize the sweet compound in Stevia, called glycoside, (causing the body to pass it through normal channels without raising blood sugar) it is an excellent sugar substitute for those wishing to lose weight.
Research carried out in Japan and South America, clearly demonstrates the beneficial effects of Stevia in regulating blood sugar levels and supporting the pancreas, reducing the symptoms of diabetes and hypoglycemia. Other traditional uses of Stevia are to lower elevated blood pressure (hypertension), as a digestive aid, to reduces gas and stomach acidity, and inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.
Stevia is widely used all over the world, from Japan (claiming 41% of the sweetener market, including sugar), China, Germany, Israel, South Korea and so on. And we repeat, with no reports of toxicity. In the US, the FDA banned this natural non-caloric alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners in 1991. But, since the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), Stevia can be sold legally in the United States, but only as a "dietary supplement." Why?…Well, money talks and pockets and influence run deep.
Many companies today are using Stevia as a sweetener (whoops! dietary supplement) in nutrition bars, meal replacement drinks, protein powders, etc. And generally, you don’t have to go to the health food store to find Stevia. Most grocery stores are now stocking it. If yours does not, just ask. I’m sure they won’t mind stocking it. Ours didn’t.
If you give Stevia a try, be patient, it may not suit you the first few times you try it but believe me, soon you’ll wonder why you ever used anything else. Stevia is actually good for your health! It’s a no brainer! Do yourself and your family a big favor and try Stevia like our family has. It just may be a health changing experience.
Magnesium...Essential for Life!
So why is magnesium so helpful to the body? It’s possible that it could be that magnesium helps the body's cells fend off stress. But magnesium also activates enzymes, and contributes to energy production. If that wasn’t enough, it also helps regulate calcium levels as well as zinc, copper, potassium, vitamin D, and other significant nutrients.
There are those who believe that it is the lack of magnesium that underlies the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis that we see in this country. When a deficiency of magnesium occurs, your heart will beat irregularly, arteries will constrict, and blood pressure will rise. Or you may have muscles spasms, loose bone strength, experience more pain, or have blood sugar fluctuations.
Here is just a sampling of the many conditions helped by taking magnesium.
Anxiety, Aggressive Behavior, Asthma, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Dizziness, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Hypoglycemia, Insomnia, Jumpiness, Kidney Disease, Migraines, Muscle Cramps, Nerve problems, Osteoporosis, Panic Attacks, Poor Memory, Stiff and Aching Bone and Joints, and Tooth Decay.
Foods most likely to contain magnesium are green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. However, how much magnesium is unknown. Fertilizers used on factory farms depend mostly on phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium. Then again, if the soil is not replenished with magnesium and other minerals and micronutrients the plants may look good but may not be nutrient dense.
So what do you do?
Well, of course you should continue to eat those foods high in magnesium…and buy organic if you can. Why? It’s because organic farmers are more likely to use magnesium rich fertilizers. You might consider increasing your magnesium intake by utilizing green drinks and taking magnesium supplements.
But there is a caution! The recommended ratio of calcium to magnesium is key.
Our current dietary ratio of calcium to magnesium is 3.5 to 1
thru 6 to 1. The recommended dietary ratio is 2 to 1. And during our evolutionary or Paleolithic period it was 1 to 1. So you can see that we are headed in the wrong direction, and are generally magnesium deficient, making us prone to illness.
In order to offset this deficiency and avoid the above listed conditions and others caused by the lack of magnesium, you many want to consider increasing your magnesium intake, by taking one part magnesium to one part calcium in supplemental form for a period of a few months to a year.
Eating foods that are generally considered high in magnesium is also important, as eating well is key to health. To assist you in this regard…we’ve listed a sampling of these foods.
Avacodo, Beans, Bananas, Black-eyed peas, Brown Rice, Leafy green vegetables, Legumes, Nuts (exp. Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts), Okra, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower kernels, Wheat Bran.
Again…if you are eating these foods yet continue to have any symptoms relating to the above conditions…you might want to consider supplementing with green food sources and magnesium supplements.
Some highly absorbable and well tolerated sources of magnesium are: chloride, citrate, gluconate, glycinate, lactate, malate, succinate, sulfate, tartrate and taurate. All are very good, ionizable sources of magnesium. Other forms of magnesium such as: oxide, hydroxide, carbonate, stearate, glutamate and aspartate are more likely to be considered useless or dangerous for human consumption.
Taking addition magnesium may be beneficial to your health, especially when considering how essential this mineral is to the health of your central nervous system, muscles and bones.
Always check with your doctor before taking supplements!
Magnesium, essential to life…and a key to…True Healthy Living Now!
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The Numerous Benefits of Water!
Drinking enough water makes everything function at optimal levels. When we don’t keep our bodies well hydrated, they may react with a variety of signals.
Some of these include:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Constipation
- Dry Skin
Over the long term, dehydration can affect kidney function, digestion, or blood pressure. Without ample water intake the pancreas is less efficient, acids in the stomach are not properly neutralized and the functions of the intestines are inhibited. Water is just what the body needs. Not only as a source of energy but also as a vital aid to help cleanse the body and ensure that every cell in the body functions properly.
It is believed that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In some, the thirst mechanism is so weak it is mistaken for hunger.
Obviously if you are trying to lose weight, water intake is important. Actually, water is the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. And if you have water weight, it may seem strange, but to get rid of the excess water, you must drink more water.
Water also helps with digestion and keeps you from overeating. If you are not drinking plenty of water, you will probably eat more to satisfy your body’s need for water.
Spring or filtered water is your best choice, as tap water contains chlorine and possibly fluoride that can cause dire consequences for your health. Some folks add minerals to distilled water and believe it's the way to go. But for us the jury is still out on distilled water.
Generally, the recommended water intake is one quart to every 50 lbs of body weight. Therefore, an average 150 lb person should drink three quarts of water a day. But don’t confuse water consumption with fluid consumption. Soda and coffee are not acceptable substitutions. Caffeine causes increased urine production and acts as a dehydration agent. These drinks can actually cause the body to lose water making proper hydration more difficult to obtain.
You may also want to begin drinking your water at room temperature if possible, as ice cold water can actually harm the delicate lining of your stomach.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Cancer!...And The Connection To Antibiotics!
Cancer is a very serious illness and an informed approach should be taken with regards to regaining your health or the health of a loved one when attacking this dreaded disease or any serious illness.
It is added here…simply as food for thought.
We’ve mentioned before that we've been reading Doug Kaufmann's books and watching his health show for about 5 years now. We have two of his books, "The Fungus Link" and "The Germ that causes Cancer".
Doug Kaufmann primarily looks at the role that fungus/yeast plays in modern illness and how antibiotics contribute to disease.
Antibiotics are fungal by-products called mycotoxins...Which of course means they are made from fungus...The same way that Penicillin was made, when accidentally discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.
But it wasn’t until the early 1950’s that antibiotics…namely Penicillin became widely used. However, one of the major side effects of antibiotics, is the breeding of resistant bacteria. Therefore, more effective antibiotics had to be produced.
Antibiotics are MYCOTOXINS….POISONS! Although they have had their place in the treatment of some diseases they also kill much of the GOOD BACTERIA that lives in and around the digestive tract. This GOOD BACTERIA makes up 75% of YOUR immune systems response. Think of it as your internal army fighting off invaders, fighting off Cancer. As this army is dwindled down, so is your immune systems response and the likelihood of disease proliferation.
Our bodies successfully fight off 6 bouts of Cancer in our lifetime. Our immune system does this. But with a compromised immune system…Compromised in part by the overuse of antibiotics…fighting off cancer is made more difficult.
Even if your exposure to antibiotics has been limited…You are still being exposed to antibiotics in livestock. DID YOU KNOW that antibiotics have been used extensively in agriculture since the 1960’s. And not to treat disease either…but as growth promoters. So how does eating beef, chicken and pork that has been given antibiotics effect YOU!
When your BACTERIAL ARMY is low, the bad guys (namely YEAST) start to multiply. This is especially true if you eat sugar. SUGAR fuels yeast and YEAST proliferate. Sugar is also an immune suppressor. Remember we did not always eat the amount of sugar we do today. It is estimated that the average person consumes 140 or more lbs of sugar a year.
Then take into consideration that in 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in science for discovering that cancer cells rapidly reproduce in the presence of fermented sugar.
Humm…as we’ve said before…so do fungal/yeast cells!
The human cell and that of the yeast cell are similar in that both have a nucleus. Yet the outer cell wall of the yeast cell is like that of a plant. As Doug Kaufmann explained in his book, The Germ That Causes Cancer, fungi and human cells unite to form a hybrid (combined) cell. Is this hybrid cell MUTATING into something we now call CANCER? Are Mycotoxins (fungal poisons) damaging DNA and leading to abnormal cell growth, resulting in cancer. Or is fungi in some cases being mistaken as cancer.
But it’s not only Doug Kaufmann who thinks along these lines.
Take into account that Elizabeth Moore-Landecker (author of Fundamentals of the Fungi) revealed in 1990 that "fungi and their mycotoxins are capable of causing genetic variations and mutations.”
We have read many accounts in Doug Kaufmann's books, where people diagnosed with Cancer took anti fungal drugs only to discover that they did not have cancer. So the question again is….Is YEAST/FUNGI and CANCER the same thing….OR are people being diagnosed as having CANCER when in fact they HAVE A YEAST/FUNGAL CONDITION?
Yeast proliferates! Cancer metastasis! Both moving from place to place via the bloodstream.
We have our beliefs on this subject…but now it’s up to you to consider this theory and come to your own conclusions.